Who’s your Sgt. Pepper?
The cover of The Beatles 1967 Sgt Pepper album is iconic.
Captured in that moment of time the cover exhibits a collection of influences from Dylan to Wilde via both Laurel and Hardy.
This got me wondering – if we were each to do our own ‘professional’ Sgt Pepper cover … who would be our Albert Stubbins?
Sure – there would be many Steve Jobs et al that would be used, but who would be those everyday people that are not world renowned but helped to shape who we are?
A few of mine as examples:
Tom Brown
In my early 20’s as a callow management trainee, Tom was our one of our warehouse supervisors, he hollered me over and imparted the sage like “Take your hands out of your pockets lad or no-one will take you seriously”.
Roger Millar
With his twinkly blue eyes and Scottish brogue he was a shining example of how to treat people with respect. Wherever they sat on an organisation chart everyone was treated the same.
Trevor Grice
To be honest not the world’s most pleasant man but his down to earth Yorkshire wisdom of how to make more money has stayed with me to this day. Sell more. Charge more. Cost less.
George Cierpiol
I recall my first meeting with my new MD on 14th May 1996. He sat down and proceeded to sketch two handbags. The lesson he taught – the importance of actual retail sales. Supply is all good and well but if these things do not sell you are in trouble. So, keep both eyes firmly on that.
Behnam Tabrizi
Smartest man I ever met. Presidential advisor. Taught me the true value of Transformation.
Siru Heino
For helping me find my inner calm.
They who must not be named
….. and then there are the individuals who will remain nameless. They would appear only in silhouette. If I were ever unsure what to do then I would look at them and think about what they would do and then do exactly the opposite!
Take the positives however they present themselves.